Wednesday 18 May 2011

Transplantation of lucky bamboo plant in soil

The lucky bamboo makes a good indoor plant because it does not require much care. If you water it regularly and give it enough light, it can grow up to 3 inches a year with occasional application of a fertilizer plant. If your plant has outgrown its original container, you can transplant it in a new pot very easily as this plant is very resilient!

Keep in mind that the lucky bamboo likes its own company, so it is perfectly fine if it is a bit crowded in its pot. It grows in height and not so much in girth, and therefore you will not need to transplant it often.

The best container for your lucky bamboo plant is a pot that is about 2 inches larger than your current one. Make sure that there are drain holes at the bottom of it because the roots need to be very well drained.

If your plant was originally growing in water, you can add the marbles or the stones that were at the bottom of your water container and place them at the bottom of your new pot. The water will be able to drain much more easily from the pot.

As for soil, make sure to use a fast draining soil mixture. If the water cannot escape your pot properly, questlove of your bamboo plant will rot. If you want to make your own soil mixture, mix regular soil, peat moss and sand in equal proportions. This will make the perfect soil for your lucky bamboo plant!

If your plant was originally water-grown, water it heavily for the next two weeks after transplanting it into soil. This will allow the roots to accommodate to their new environment.

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Saturday 14 May 2011

Vital care tips for bamboo plants

Bamboo plants are very low maintenance, but you have to take care with them. Bamboo grows in thick shaded groves and thrived in the water, and sunlight won't kill them. As Fern one bamboo replication itself, and from its loud rooting easily choke out other plants. You must reduce the roots for this purpose, as well as to prevent root rot plants indoors.

Bamboo is a grass and care for it properly is the only way to ensure its longevity. Bamboo mainly nitrogen required for sustained and healthy economic growth. There are over 1000 varieties of bamboo, and it's a good idea to check with local nurseries to see which will flourish in the area you live. This is the first step in growing healthy plants. It will be necessary to prepare the ground and remove all weeds. Organic fertilizer works best. You should also add organic mulch. Water is also important during and after landing. Watering plants, three or four times a week is too much. If this leaves curling is a sure sign that you have not given him enough water.

Poaceae family that makes its evergreens bamboo. They are popular as an ornamental plant, fences, screen and Windbreakers. Planting them along the fence, so that's what most people do to ensure their confidentiality. In China they say represent eternal youth. They are used in Feng Shui as a conduit for energy at home. Bamboo Feng Shui fountain is quickly becoming quite popular Asian decor item in some Western cultures.

After bamboo water as often is the chrysalis. This is when they're young, they need water. One gallon of water to the plant is sufficient. Bamboo is a plant of the warm weather, and it is best to cover the area around the roots before cold weather sets in, if the plant protection products, it is better to move them into the secure area. Like any other plant can reach them at worst nights.

Bamboo add beautiful and bright green lawn. Bamboo is also a big plant helps absorb some CO2 from the air. If you want to do something to remove some of your carbon foot printing plant for more than a few bamboo.

You can still learn more on and for more information.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

What you should know about lucky bamboo plant

This article will focus on providing some useful methods for lucky bamboo plants and how to use it at home. But before we begin, allow me to put one little known fact about-this is actually a member of the family and not Lily bamboo at all. Bamboo is used solely because its structure is identical with that real bamboo plant. In addition both plant types are in large numbers in the same regions.

Connection to Feng Shui

However, this popular plant also has anything to do with the art of Feng Shui. It is believed that the plant brings a balance of basic universal elements in both your life and your home. This includes, Earth, wind, water, fire, metal and wood. The factory itself represents a balance of wood and water, while the soil in which it grows is the Earth. Similarly, the bank where you place it introduces an element of metal and finally tying the red thread around it represents fire. In General, this would make both elements that are essential to the practice of Feng Shui.

Another important piece of information about these plants the bamboo that each type has different meanings. It is anticipated that three stalked plant will bring you happiness; while five stalked factory brings you good health. Similarly, six stalked plant stands for peace and harmony. Last but not least, indoor bamboo plant with stems ending in 8 is intended to bring prosperity.

Caring for your lucky bamboo plant

Now comes the part about caring for your lucky plant. One of the first things is the amount of light you're giving to the plant. For best results, consider saving it somewhere with access to indirect sunlight, as too much direct sunlight can turn the leaves yellow. Make sure that the water change once a week, and only use water filtration. That's because regular tap water contains chemical substances therein, which perhaps can kill the plant. Buy Lucky bamboo fertilizer containing abundant nutrients they need to grow indoor environment.

This special type of plant does not require too much soil, just take a small Vase with some Decorative stones on the bottom and about an inch of pure water is all that's required. These Decorative Stones also plant look aesthetically more appealing, in addition to providing sufficient support for the plant to grow. In general you can follow the above guidelines and make sure that lucky bamboo plant will continue to prosper and add beauty rooms.

You can still learn more on and for more information.